12 Days of Gong: How Mimecast's Technology Enablement Architect Ian Gwynne used Gong to roll out a new product

  • 12 December 2023
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12 Days of Gong: How Mimecast's Technology Enablement Architect Ian Gwynne used Gong to roll out a new product
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🎶 On the third day of 12 Days of Gong, @Ian Gwynne gave to us…

...best practices for Gong for RevOps! 🎶


Introduce yourself - what is your name, role, and organization?

Ian Gwynne, Technology Enablement Architect at Mimecast


What is the challenge you were facing at your organization?

 We were rolling out a new product globally where we were taking a product led growth approach by offering a 30 day trial and we wanted to get a better idea of the feedback received from prospects and customer who purchased the solution, what messaging was used for positioning the product and trial and what content was used related to these conversations.


What workflow in Gong did you use to solve this challenge?

  • First step was to create a “Smart Tracker” in Gong which allowed us to use Gongs AI to adapt and build off conversations to effectively track what keywords came up during conversations related to our new product roll out. With the use of Smart Trackers we were able to pick up how reps naturally positioned the product which helped us adapt our product message aligned to natural language in the field. Smart trackers also helped us identify the natural language used by our prospects to understand what type of feedback they have giving on the product and trial.
    • From here we used these call filters in a few keyways:
    • We used the new product smart tracker to highlight what % of our overall calls used the new product messaging.
    • We used the new product smart tracker and the “Deal stage now” filter to equal closed won, to highlight what messaging was used effectively to lead to a closed won deal.
    • We used the new product smart tracker and the presentation shared filter to be 1 or more minutes to identify what slides were shared with the new product messaging. We also used these filters with the Deal Stage now = closed won filter to see which slides were shared and led to a close won opportunity.
    • We then started to use slide keywords in the “Words or phrases in slide title” filter and the new product smart tracker to identify if the provided product marketing slides where used or not.


  • Using a mix of the above filters different stakeholders across the business from sales, product marketing, enablement and more were able to set saved filter call alerts to get calls pushed to their inbox based on the applied filter related to the task each member was attempting to track. Call alerts were a huge time saver and also helped different teams get notified immediately after the filters were triggered so we could make real time decisions.
  • Using call filters, alerts and streams have also helped us identify best practice calls for product and new hire library folders.
  • From the Win/Loss tab under the deals page in Gong we were able to use a mix of CRM filters, tracker filters and related team filters to learn more about win/loss metrics and how they varied across our different global regions. This helped us look at a wide range of metrics and how they varied from region to region but over all this has helped us identify best practices to identify which regions/teams had the shortest sales cycle and larger average deal size to better understand their what actions led to their success, while also comparing which teams needed additional support with longer sales cycles or higher loss rates.  


What is your favorite holiday dish or tradition?

Each year I get together with either friends or family to make gingerbread houses and at the end of December after the gingerbread houses are all dried up, to blow off some holiday steam we smash our gingerbread houses and share videos of the demolition… its weird I know but you’d be surprised how amusing it is!


Thanks to Ian for sharing his story! Be sure to check out all of the live episodes of 12 Days of Gong here!

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