
Staying on top of follow ups

  • 19 June 2023
  • 1 reply


Hi all,

I’m a Customer Success Manager with a large book of clients and I’m looking for your help!

Q2 has been really busy, and I find myself getting delayed with follow ups - lots of topics to cover in long emails, coordination internally to get the questions answered, and coordination with the client stakeholders to move forward on projects.

This is how Gong has “helped” me - I’m so happy the majority of calls is recorded, this is a live saver!

  • Assist functionality
  • Action items
  • Gong app for Zoom to take notes during the call that are time stamped for afterwards

But I miss something that covers “highlights” to really structure and speed up my work afterwards.

How do you stay afloat? How do you understand the “essentials”- like key insights / topics / learnings we covered, or which areas you aligned to move forward on?

How do you use Gong to make sure the insights from these calls are logged in other systems, like Gainsight?

I’m curious to learn your tips and tricks to speed things up :) 

1 reply


Hey Laura, Dan here. ENT CSM at Gong in EMEA.

You’ve already made some great points but i thought i would add some other tips and tricks, as well as future features which will help.

Firstly, using the Assist function is a great way for CSM’s to follow up effectively with calls. Gong will sometimes suggest action items based on what you promised the customer ‘i.e. ‘I will send you the recording and slide deck after this call’, which helps greatly. The ability to stay on top of accounts will be greatly enhanced with Engage which goes GA next month (July), even if you’re not an opportunity owneer.

You can also use the Gong deal boards (Pipeline) and create boards based on CSM Owner. This means that even if you’re not an opportunity owner, you can create a holistic view of all the accounts you are assigned to, so you can stay on top of your customers and renewals. Here you can see the entire history of activity, as well as bring in Trackers to see which accounts have risk assoicated to them. In the deal boards you can also use your CRM (in this case i will use SFDC as an example) as a bridge for Gainsight. If there are fields which need updating, you can send Gainsight fields to your SFDC instance, and then Gong can pull these fields into Gong (such as CSM Notes, or health scores). Because Gong has a bi-directional sync, you can update these notes in Gong whilst having all the contextual data from your conversations.

It’s also useful to structure your calls in a way that allows you to quickly find what you need. I.e. at the end of each call, you could summarise the key talking points and align with what the next steps are and agree on who’s committing to what and by what timeline. This will make it easier for you because you know that by going into the call and listening to the last 5 mins, you know that you always summarise the key points and outcomes. This will make it easier to collate into your follow up emails. 

Trackers are also a great way to capture key themes of a conversation and you can see the points of interest tab on the left hand pane, in order to quickly navigate through calls.

Finally you’ll also be pleased to know that Gong will be releasing AI Generated Call Summaries very soon which will allow you to review all the key themes of a conversations, summarised into consise bullet points. You can literally copy and paste these into an email with a click of a button. This will be a game-changer for you!

Hopefully that helps. Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions.

Dan Delderfield. 
