
Feature Request - Initiatives - Add longer time frame filters (quarter)

  • 2 February 2023
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Hello - I am starting to get my arms around initiatives.   One thing that would be helpful, and I don’t think too hard of an add, is giving longer time frames in the initiatives drop down.   Right now I can see my initiatives by week, month but I really want to start seeing them over the course of a quarter so I can spot trends.   Right now that is not possible.  Image attached to show what I mean.

3 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

Agreed. I have the same feedback, and I’m sure Gong will add that over time. 

Confirming that you know you can choose a longer timeframe under the “Initiatives Trends” sub tab. While it does not give you team or person level detail, you do see the aggregated data over a longer time. 


Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Thanks for the reply Andrew.  I had seen that but not the option on the far right.  I appreciate you pointing that out.   Joe

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

@Joe Barrow Nice suggestion here too — please submit this as a feature request to our Product team. They review these requests regularly, and I share product updates here in the Community monthly! If your request becomes a feature, I’ll tag you in the post :) 

Product page:

Link to Google form submission:
