Innovation at Gong Summer Release Webinar Recap

  • 2 August 2023
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Thanks for attending our Innovation at Gong webinar, where you heard our Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer, Eilon Reshef, along with Victoria Chernova, Director of Product Marketing, and Damian Cowell, Sr Director of Product Management share about how Gong’s AI can transform your business. 


As promised, here is a recap of all questions asked during the webinar to help you understand the features better. 


You can access the recording of the webinar here: 


  1. Question: Can we get a recording for this call to forward this to our Sales team, this is very productive! 

Answer: Sure, you can access it right here: 

  1. Question: Is Gong Engage an added cost? 

Answer: Yes, there's an additional cost for Gong Engage and it’s features. 


  1. Question: Where can I access the features release schedule? Can't wait to share it with our team! Answer: We regularly share updates about our launched features via monthly emails. If you're not receiving these, do reach out to us at Also, within the app, there is a widget that highlights newly released features (in the top right). For any other queries or information, our Help Center is always at your disposal.


  1. Question: Do we have to mark companies as "3rd party" in SFDC in any way for the partner tracking activity? 

Answer: You will need a field like "Account Type" with a value like "Partner" in SFDC. You'll then map that CRM field and value in Gong so we can identify activity correctly.


  1. Question: Will admins be notified when these features will drop in our instance? We want to be able to drum up excitement in the team. Thank you! 

Answer:  We regularly share updates about our newest offerings via monthly emails. If you're not receiving these, do reach out to us at Also, within the app, there is a widget that highlights newly released features (in the top right). For any other queries or information, our Help Center is always at your disposal.


  1. Question: When you ask a question to the AI in 'ask anything,' can you also get the time stamp in the call if you want to listen to that part of the call recording? 

Answer: Not at the moment, but I will pass the feedback along to the team!


  1. Question: Is Ask Anything capable of sentiment analysis? 

Answer: We can summarize the outcome of the call but don't track sentiment.


  1. Question: Just to clarify - everything we are seeing will not come at an added cost? thank you! Answer: All the Spotlight features we're sharing now are available to all Gong customers when they launch at no additional cost.


  1. Question: Will it be able to push data into MSFT Dynamics CRM too? Currently, it's only a one-way connection with MSFT Dynamics CRM. 

Answer: Currently on our roadmap!


  1. Question: In the new next steps section, is there a plan to add a link to that point in the call if you want to review it further? 

Answer: You can click through the summary to listen to the relevant part of the call.


  1. Question: What in-house models do you’ll use? Is it based on OpenAI API? 

Answer: No, our in-house models are built on our own sales dataset and don't use OpenAI


  1. Question: Will there be a summary of which features will be core (included in the Professional license) and which ones will be at an extra cost? 

Answer: All the Spotlight features we're sharing now are available to all Gong customers when they launch in the next couple of months at no additional cost. Gong Engage features will be paid, though. 


  1. Question: Is Gong thinking about executive-level summaries vs. focusing on support for reps? I.e., you collect a ton of data about customers and prospects--how do you aggregate and extract information relevant to an exec team? 

Answer: We're thinking about this as we continue to build Spotlight. What's exciting is that you can send these summaries and insights into your CRM for advanced reporting.


  1. Question: Does the Ask Anything feature only look at the current call or the history of calls between us and the client? 

Answer: Currently, Ask Anything looks at the context of the current call.


  1. Question: Is it possible to train the model using company-specific data? Or is all Gong user data used to train the model? 

Answer: Right now, we have a dedicated AI team overseeing model training and improvement!


  1. Question: What is the estimated time from a live call to it showing on Gong? Currently, we're experiencing the next day before it shows in our library. 

Answer: I'm still trying to get an answer for you, but I don't believe the next day is typical. Please email us at if the problem persists or reach out to your CSM.


  1. Question: Can Gong generate a high-level summary (60 sec read) of the overall conversation? Answer: Quick Answer = Yes! Stay tuned to see it live.


  1. Question: Is Gong focusing on additional resources to make transcription more accurate for accents? Even with the spoken language settings, I find issues when transcribing users from the Philippines. 

Answer: We're continuing to update our models for language support on a quarterly basis!


  1. Question: Can Gong AI and analytics be applied to chatbot transcripts? 

Answer: No, our current solutions are designed to analyze and extract insights from sales conversations such as calls and emails. They are not applicable to chatbot transcripts at this time.



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